Florida HOA Laws That You May Not Know About

Communities that consist of housing developments, condominiums, and other real properties within a community are subject to certain rules and regulations declared by the Association’s Board of Directors. This is a Membership organization formed within the community of single-family homes or multiple unit buildings like condominiums. Property owners pay a fee according to the authorized Governing Documents. If you own property and do not understand what to expect, a Broward County HOA lawyer can assist in this matter. Florida HOA laws have the authority to enforce several statutes pertaining to how communities are regulated. A Homeowners Association could have discretion over how the exterior of a property is kept, restrictions on paint color, the exterior design, or even whether or not the homeowner can have pets.
A Broward County HOA or Condo lawyer can help you understand the laws and can also assist if there is any question pertaining to the legal ramifications that may occur as a result of the restrictions imposed by the Association. The Ferrer Law Group will provide you with a trusted and knowledgeable expertise.
South Florida HOA attorney who can give you the most pertinent information needed about Florida HOA and Condo Associations. The attorney will explain how the assessments for fees are derived, and how missing these payments can result in loss of property for the owner, or a lien on the property.
A Homeowners or Condominium Association document uses the term community to mean the real property that is subject to a Declaration of Covenants that is recorded in the county in which the property is located. A community includes all of the real property, even the undeveloped phases that are subject to a development of regional impact development order. A Declaration of Covenants is a recorded written instrument in the nature of covenants running with the land that brings a certain parcel comprising the community to the authority of the Association or its representatives. The Ferrer Law Group has a Palm Beach County HOA lawyer and a Broward County HOA lawyer who can assist property owners with any disputes with their Homeowners and Condominium Associations.
The Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation Division of Condominiums, Timeshares, and Mobile Homes have the authority to enforce many statutes and laws regarding the rules and regulations that Homeowner Associations have set forth for communities of several types in the state of Florida. The only way to fully understand what it all means is to consult a lawyer who can also help you know what your rights are. It is common to miss vital information when someone is trying to give you everything at once. You may not comprehend it all at first, which is the reason you should consult the Ferrer Law group. Homeowners and Condominium Associations are there to ensure that a property within the community is maintained for almost perfect visualization purposes, and to also keep repairs to the buildings and property updated. If your ideas of proper maintenance differ from that of the Association, you need to meet with the authorities and other Members to try and resolve the matter. If no resolution can be found, seek the advice or representation of a Broward County lawyer. Your best interest, and that of your property, can best be served by the legal representation of a lawyer who has experience in the laws and regulations of the Florida Homeowners and Condominium Association. The Florida statutes governing Homeowners and Condominium Associations have many sections and sub-sections. You should know what to expect of your Homeowners or Condominium Association, and what is expected of you as the property owner. Let the experts at Ferrer Law Group be the advisors you need to keep you abreast of any changes and updates to your Association, since each Association have specific differences.
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