Category: Community Association Law
More and more often, Florida condo unit owners are pursuing lawsuits against condo boards over various restrictions regarding various things such as pets, discrimination, and many others. If you feel you have a reason to file a lawsuit against your Condominium Association (COA), condominium lawyers are ready to assist you. Remember, condo rules and regulations […]
When purchasing a condo in Florida, you must familiarize yourself with condo repairs and maintenance obligations that you will have as an owner. Will you have the responsibility for repairing and maintaining common spaces? Is the condo association in charge of the maintenance repairs inside of your unit? Know that condominium lawyers from Ferrer Law […]
While broad powers are afforded to condominium and homeowner associations to regulate and limit the rights of unit and homeowners on what improvements can be made to their property when living in a planned urban development, there are limitations and Florida law limits Condo and HOA from restricting installation of renewable resources such as solar […]
Is your home really your castle? The answer is “it depends.” If you own a condominium in Florida, brace yourself for the impact of the new law signed by the governor on May 26, 2022. Your home is frequently referred to be “your castle.” A new Florida law may certainly make the expense feel like […]
Communities that consist of housing developments, condominiums, and other real properties within a community are subject to certain rules and regulations declared by the Association’s Board of Directors. This is a Membership organization formed within the community of single-family homes or multiple unit buildings like condominiums. Property owners pay a fee according to the authorized […]
When the Federal Reserve requires banks to hold a certain level of reserves, it is said to be implementing mandatory reserves. The purpose of mandatory reserves is to ensure that banks have enough cash on hand to meet customer withdrawals and other obligations. Banks are required to hold a certain percentage of their deposits in […]
When homeowner Associations are formed, there’s one of two choices to consider: 1) The Association will operate from an “in-house” perspective where the Owners/Members, through a Board of Directors, will volunteer their time to oversee the maintenance and enforcement of rules in the community. However, since Members of the Board of Directors usually have other jobs, […]
When you purchase a home in an HOA, you will be given a lot of documents to sign. Some of these documents will be the sale contracts, while others will be documents that represent that you received the Governing Documents for the HOA itself. You must take the time to read and understand all of […]
Is there an HOA in your community? Do you pay recurring fees to the Association? Does the HOA maintain your neighborhood’s common areas, enforce neighborhood rules, and make sure maintenance is regularly completed? It’s important to understand what your HOA does to ensure you have the right type of insurance. Keep reading to learn what […]
Contracts are legally binding documents that are typically signed and agreed upon by two parties or more. Unfortunately, these legally binding documents aren’t always honored. If either party who agreed to the contract decides to or cannot fulfill their end of the bargain, there are likely to be legal repercussions involved. In case of a […]
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