Tag: For Both Condos and HOAs

Florida Law Limits Condo and HOA from Restricting Installation of Renewable Resources Such as Solar Panels

While broad powers are afforded to condominium and homeowner associations to regulate and limit the rights of unit and homeowners on what improvements can be made to their property when living in a planned urban development, there are limitations and Florida law limits Condo and HOA from restricting installation of renewable resources such as solar […]

Getting “Slapped” with a SLAPP Suit?

Are you getting “slapped” with a SLAPP Suit? To start, a “S.L.A.P.P.” suit refers to “Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation” and both the Florida Condominium Act and HOA Act have prohibitions against these types of lawsuits.  But what does prohibitions against these types of suits really mean?  In short, a “SLAPP” suit in the context […]

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